Multilingual contents filtering Anti Porn supports real time filtering or blocking porn websites, which is writed in English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, Franch, Spanish, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese. AI to restrict games Anti Porn can determine which program is a game by itself.
The parents needn t to add any game to a blacklist. Hide completely You could not find Anti Porn whether in the explorer or in the task manager. Everyone could not close or remove Anti Porn without password.
Main features:
Block porn web sites
Anti porn blocks thousands of porn web sites and predatory words.You also can predefine thing you don t let kids to see, for example, web site and offensive words.At the same time,you can control the filtering accuracy.
Limit internet chat
Anti porn can limit many popular chatting softwares and web chat chambers.
Limit internet access by day and time
You can easily assign internet access time at certain hours, even on specific day.A special feature of Anti Porn is that the PC time will be calibrate as Greenwich Time.
Keep a complete log of the computer history
Anti porn keeps a detail log of all web sites visited, blocked or not.
Record traffic data for an overview of internet use
You can take an inventory of your children s computer, and find all pictures, movies, music files and web pages.
Commend trusted web sites
Anti porn has commended several websites, which are fit for children. You also can add in any others.
System requirements
Changes in Anti Porn v14.4.5.25:
* Removed Recommended websites.
* New Option : Block all websites Not on Whitelist.
* Removed the build in HTTP Service.
* Improved the self protection of the block porn Software.
Download Anti-Porn 2010
Anti-Porn 2010 v14.4.5.25
VideoCharge Studio (En/Ru)
VideoCharge Studio is a desktop application which creates Internet optimized video. It could be of interest for users who wants to create video gallery at site, extract frames from video file and create graphic gallery, creates YouTube video.
It could be used as video editor with extended options. VideoCharge Studio can also be used to rapidly add watermarks to video and graphic files.
· VideoCharge Studio allows splitting video editing into several steps: select video, select frames for Thumbnails, edit image.
· All operations are executed before the encoding process that speed up the application greatly.
· Actually if you want to split a video clip into one minutes reels, you can select necessary and remove unused reels before encoding starts! You see that encoding process would be much faster than encoding of entire film!
· At the same time you can omit the mentioned step and do not create thumbnails. You can combine automatic frames selection with manual editing!
· VideoCharge Studio is the video editor that supports a wide range of video formats and creates high quality video!
Image Correction:
· VideoCharge Studio includes a large amount of special video filters, which produce the video of best quality even from low quality source!
· VideoCharge Studio can automatically look for the best frame when creating Thumbnail for your video.
Video for Internet:
· VideoCharge Studio produced video optimized for Internet, creates HTML pages for video, graphic files output, as well as Flash video, like YouTube!
· At that generated clips could be uploaded to FTP server.
Easy in Use:
· VideoCharge Studio is pretty easy in use. The process of clips generation is split into several stages. A special friendly user interface provided on the each stage makes the work flow fast, easy and comprehensible.
Working with Command Line:
· VideoCharge Studio provides you with all necessary operations for editing video files, creating Thumbnails and HTML code generation via command line.
Creating ImageList:
· VideoCharge Studio includes the ImageList feature. The ImageList is a set of video frames extracted from a video file and saved in an image file. The image file includes meta data about video, like name, size, resolution, etc.
· You can select frames for ImageList manually or allow VideoCharge Studio to do it automatically.
For Newby Users:
· VideoCharge Studio is the editor which provides extended abilities and it may look too complex for inexperienced user. That s why recommend the new users start with Wizard.
· Using Wizard and following simple instructions you can learn and use the program abilities in full measure. You do not need any special knowledge, just try VideoCharge Studio 1.0 and you will like it.
For Professional customers:
· VideoCharge Studio provides a wide range of abilities for creating video, editing images, adding watermarks and organization of HTML code and video generation process.
· Regardless of complexity of the site structure VideoCharge Studio could be tuned in such way, so all operations with content you perform before site publishing are totally automated.
· You can create video of different formats which differ by bitrate or resolution simultaneously. Generated video files are copied to specific folders, necessary Thumbnails are also produced automatically.
· You can generate several Thumbnails for video which differ by resolution or video frame at the same time.
· You can specify the HTML pages generation logic, which are used for output video in Internet.
· You can protect your video files using wide range of watermarks.
· If you need to process a lot of files you can add the file folder to the process. All files, including files in subfolder are also processed.
· Finally you can upload all produced files to FTP server.
Download VideoCharge Studio (En/Ru)
AVS Video ReMaker
AVS Video ReMaker is a tool designed to help you edit your MPEG files without re encoding. Cut unwanted parts and remove TV advertisings from DVDs or video files recorded with various PVR, DVR & DVD camcorders. You can detect scenes and commercials, cut unwanted parts. Our scene detection algorithm saves your time by scanning video and splitting it into episodes. Leave the scenes you need, delete the ones you dont.
+ Frame accurate editing, fast & lossless processing
+ Removes parts from video files without re encoding and preserves the original quality. This is a lossless conversion, which is pretty quick also.
+ Wide range of supported formats
+ Works with many MPEG files: MPEG 1 and MPEG 2, Video DVD including VOB and VRO (using associated IFO files), and even MPEG 4 AVI files including DivX and XviD.
+ Scene detection algorithm
+ Automatically scans video files for likely places where scenes begin and end. Splits it into logical episodes. So there is no need to preview video frame by frame trying to find transitions manually